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Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat ::[AAU]


Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat Assam is set up in the year 1969 as State University Educational Institute to give advanced education to fabricate vocation in the field of Management, Science and Veterinary Science.
Assam Agricultural University is having Affiliation with rumored UGC
The executives of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat is working under dr. Kamal Malla Bujarbaruah (Vice Chancellor).
, Assam Agricultural University is the principal establishment of its sort in the entire of North-Eastern Region of India.
The fundamental objective of this foundation is to create worldwide serious HR in homestead sectorand to do investigate in both regular and wilderness regions for creation streamlining just as to disperse the created advancements as open useful for profiting the food cultivators/produces and brokers engaged with the area while underscoring on manageability, value and by and large food security at family unit level.
The incipient organism of the rural exploration in the province of Assam was shaped as right on time as 1897 with the foundation of the Upper Shillong Experimental Farm (presently in Meghalaya) soon after about a time of production of the horticultural office in 1882.
Nonetheless, the seeds of farming examination in the present Assam were planted in the beginning of the 20th century with the foundation of two Rice Experimental Stations, one at Karimganj in Barak valley in 1913 and the other at Titabor in Brahmaputra valley in 1923.
Ensuing to these examination stations, various exploration stations were set up to lead research on significant yields, all the more explicitly, jute, beats, oilseeds and so forth The Assam Agricultural University was set up on April 1, 1969 under The Assam Agricultural University Act, 1968′ with the order of granting ranch schooling, direct examination in horticulture and partnered sciences and to viably disperse advances so created. Prior to foundation of the University, there were by and large 17 examination plans/ventures in the state under the Department of Agriculture.
By July 1973, all the exploration ventures and 10 test ranches were moved by the Government of Assam to the AAU which previously acquired the College of Agriculture and its homestead at Barbheta, Jorhat and College of Veterinary Sciences at Khanapara, Guwahati.
Accordingly, College of Community Science at Jorhat (1969), College of Fisheries at Raha (1988), Biswanath College of Agriculture at Biswanath Chariali (1988) and Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science at Joyhing, North Lakhimpur (1988) were set up.
By and by, the University has three more clleges under its purview, viz.
, Sarat Chandra Singha College of Agriculture, Chapar, College of Horticulture, Nalbari and College of Sericulture, Titabar.
Essentially, hardly any more territorial examination stations at Shillongani, Diphu, Gossaigaon, Lakhimpur; and ware research stations at Kahikuchi, Buralikson, Tinsukia, Kharua, Burnihat and Mandira were added to create area and harvest explicit agrarian creation bundles.

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat AAU



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Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat AAU

Course NameBachelor of Science B.Sc Bachelor of Veterinary Science B.V.Sc Master of Science M.Sc Master of Fisheries Science M.F.Sc Bachelor of Fisheries Science B.F.Sc M.F.Sc. (Fisheries Environment Management) Ph.D Bachelor of Science B.Sc {H.Sc} Master of Veterinary Science M.V.Sc Master of Business Administration MBA (Agribusiness)
Type of CourseDegree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree
EligibilityGraduation Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation Graduation Post Graduation Doctorate/M.Phil Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation
Approximate Fees₹ 13,230 ₹ 13,230 ₹ 19,670 ₹ 20,210 ₹ 13,230 ₹ 19,670 ₹ 19,670 ₹ 13,230 ₹ 20,210 ₹ 77,710
Course Duration4 Years 5 Years 2 Years 2 Years 4 Years 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 2 Years 2 Years
StreamsAgricultural Biotechnology | Horticulture Science | Tea Husbandry & Technology | Social Sciences | Environmental Science | Agricultural Engineering | Sericulture | Animal Husbandry & Dairying | Agricultural Meteorology | Plant Breeding And Genetics | Agricultural Economics & Farm Management | Agronomy | Plant Pathology | Clothing And Textiles | Biochemistry And Agricultural Chemistry | Child Development & Family Relations | Family Resource Management | Agricultural Statistics | Entomology | Extension Education | Nematology | Crop Physiology | Soil Science Animal Genetics & Breeding | Animal Husbandry | Veterinary Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine | Veterinary Clinical Medicine Ethics & Jurisprudence | Poultry Science | Veterinary Physiology | Veterinary Surgery & Radiology | Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics | Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry | Animal Nutrition | Veterinary Anatomy & Histology | Veterinary Microbiology | Veterinary Pathology | Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology | Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology | Livestock Production And Management | Livestock Products Technology | Extension Education Veterinary | Veterinary Parasitology Food Technology | Food Nutrition | Agriculture Biotechnology | Horticulture | Agronomy | Agricultural Entomology | Tea Husbandry & Technology | Crop Physiology | Extension Education | Sericulture | Plant Pathology | Human Development & Family Studies | Biochemistry & Agricultural Chemistry | Agricultural Meteorology And Climatology | Agricultural Economics & Farm Management | Genetics And Plant Breeding | Soil Science | Home Science - Extension Education | Clothing And Textiles | Seed Science & Technology | Family Resource Management | Nematology | Agricultural Statistics Fisheries Resources And Management | Aquaculture Aquaculture | Fish Economics & Management | Fish Technology & Engineering | Fishery Resource Management | Fisheries Environmental Science | Fish Extension Education Horticulture | Agriculture Economics | Food Science And Nutrition | Human Development And Family Studies | Agril. Biochemistry | Family Resource Management | Veterinary Physiology | Agriculture Biotechnology | Agronomy | Extension Education | Genetics & Plant Breeding | Tea Husbandry & Technology | Textiles And Clothing | Entomology | Aquaculture | Veterinary Biochemistry | Veterinary Surgery & Radiology | Crop Physiology | Plant Pathology | Soil Science | Nematology Food & Nutrition | Extension Education Animal Genetics And Breeding | Animal Nutrition | Livestock Production & Management | Veterinary Biochemistry | Veterinary Pathology | Veterinary Physiology | Clinical Medicine Ethics And Jurisprudence | Veterinary Anatomy & Histology | Animal Biotechnology | Extension Education | Livestock Products Technology | Veterinary Animal Reproduction Gynecology & Obstetrics | Veterinary Microbiology | Veterinary Parasitology | Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology | Veterinary Public Health | Veterinary Surgery And Radiology | Poultry Science | Veterinary Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat AAU

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Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat AAU

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Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat AAU

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Agricultural BiotechnologyAgricultural Economics & Farm ManagementAgricultural EngineeringAgricultural EntomologyAgricultural MeteorologyAgricultural Meteorology And ClimatologyAgricultural StatisticsAgriculture BiotechnologyAgriculture EconomicsAgril. BiochemistryAgronomyAnimal BiotechnologyAnimal Genetics & BreedingAnimal Genetics And BreedingAnimal HusbandryAnimal Husbandry & DairyingAnimal NutritionAnimal ReproductionAquacultureBachelor of Fisheries Science B.F.ScBachelor of Science B.ScBachelor of Science B.Sc {H.Sc}Bachelor of Veterinary Science B.V.ScBiochemistry & Agricultural ChemistryBiochemistry And Agricultural ChemistryChild Development & Family RelationsClinical MedicineClothing And TextilesCrop PhysiologyEntomologyEnvironmental ScienceEthics & JurisprudenceEthics And JurisprudenceExtension EducationExtension Education VeterinaryFamily Resource ManagementFish Economics & ManagementFish Extension EducationFish Technology & EngineeringFisheries Environmental ScienceFisheries Resources And ManagementFishery Resource ManagementFood NutritionFood Science And NutritionFood TechnologyGenetics & Plant BreedingGenetics And Plant BreedingGynaecology & ObstetricsHome Science - Extension EducationHorticultureHorticulture ScienceHuman Development & Family StudiesHuman Development And Family StudiesLivestock Production & ManagementLivestock Production And ManagementLivestock Products TechnologyM.F.Sc. (Fisheries Environment Management)Master of Business Administration MBA (Agribusiness)Master of Fisheries Science M.F.ScMaster of Science M.ScMaster of Veterinary Science M.V.ScNematologyPh.DPlant Breeding And GeneticsPlant PathologyPoultry ScienceSeed Science & TechnologySericultureSocial SciencesSoil ScienceTea Husbandry & TechnologyTextiles And ClothingVeterinary Anatomy & HistologyVeterinary Animal Reproduction Gynecology & ObstetricsVeterinary BiochemistryVeterinary Clinical MedicineVeterinary Epidemiology & Preventive MedicineVeterinary Epidemiology And Preventive MedicineVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary ParasitologyVeterinary PathologyVeterinary Pharmacology & ToxicologyVeterinary PhysiologyVeterinary Physiology & BiochemistryVeterinary Public HealthVeterinary Public Health & EpidemiologyVeterinary Surgery & RadiologyVeterinary Surgery And Radiology


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