Cluster University of Srinagar, Srinagar ::[CUS]

Cluster University of Srinagar, Srinagar CUS



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Cluster University of Srinagar, Srinagar CUS
Course Name | Bachelor of Computer Application BCA | Master of Education M.Ed | Bachelor of Arts BA + Master of Arts MA | Bachelor of Science B.Sc | Bachelor of Science B.Sc + Master of Science M.Sc | Bachelor of Technology B.Tech | Bachelor of Arts BA | Bachelor of Education B.Ed | Bachelor of Business Administration BBA | Bachelor of Business Administration BBA + Master of Business Administration MBA | Bachelor of Computer Applications BCA + Master of Computer Applications MCA | Bachelor of Commerce B.Com + Master of Commerce M.Com | Bachelor of Education B.Ed + Master of Education M.Ed | Master of Arts MA (Education) |
Type of Course | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 26,875 | None | ₹ 20,300 | None | ₹ 21,300 | None | None | None | ₹ 25,875 | ₹ 22,250 | ₹ 23,250 | ₹ 20,300 | None | None |
Course Duration | 3 Years | 2 Years | 5 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 4 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 5 Years | 5 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years |
Streams | English Language | Economics | History | Political Science | Medical | Home Science | Non-Medical | Environmental Science | Geography | Biochemistry | Information Technology | Physics | Botany | Zoology | Chemistry | Electrical Engineering | Civil Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | Computer Science And Engineering | Electrical And Electronics Engineering | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Cluster University of Srinagar, Srinagar CUS

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Cluster University of Srinagar, Srinagar CUS
Cluster University of Srinagar, Srinagar CUS
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Private / Government
Browse Courses
- Bachelor of Arts BA
- Bachelor of Arts BA + Master of Arts MA
- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA
- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA + Master of Business Administration MBA
- Bachelor of Commerce B.Com + Master of Commerce M.Com
- Bachelor of Computer Application BCA
- Bachelor of Computer Applications BCA + Master of Computer Applications MCA
- Bachelor of Education B.Ed
- Bachelor of Education B.Ed + Master of Education M.Ed
- Bachelor of Science B.Sc
- Bachelor of Science B.Sc + Master of Science M.Sc
- Bachelor of Technology B.Tech
- Master of Arts MA (Education)
- Master of Education M.Ed
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Bachelor of Arts BABachelor of Business Administration BBABachelor of Commerce B.ComBachelor of Computer Application BCABachelor of Computer Applications BCABachelor of Education B.EdBachelor of Science B.ScBachelor of Technology B.TechBiochemistryBiomedical EngineeringBotanyChemistryCivil EngineeringComputer Science And EngineeringEconomicsElectrical And Electronics EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronics & Communication EngineeringEnglish LanguageEnvironmental ScienceGeographyHistoryHome ScienceInformation TechnologyMaster of Arts MAMaster of Arts MA (Education)Master of Business Administration MBAMaster of Commerce M.ComMaster of Computer Applications MCAMaster of Education M.EdMaster of Science M.ScMechanical EngineeringMedicalNon-MedicalPhysicsPolitical ScienceZoology
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