Patkai Christian College, Dimapur
Patkai Christian College is ranked 2nd top in the state (Nagaland) with Grade A by UGC-NAAC for three consecutive assessment cycles.
Moreover, Patkai Christian College has been awarded by UGC with CPE status (College with potential for excellence) in the year 2011. Very soon college is expected to be with the status of CE (College with excellence. The college is one of the old & premiere colleges of Nagaland, established in 1974. Today it’s a PG college with credible infrastructure and high-profile faculties.
Very soon the college is expecting to be upgraded to a “Deemed University” by UGC.
Patkai Christian College, Dimapur
Patkai Christian College, Dimapur
Course Name | Bachelor of Arts BA | Bachelor of Science B.Sc | Bachelor of Commerce B.Com | Bachelor of Computer Application BCA | Bachelor of Music | Master of Arts M.A | Master of Science M.Sc | Bachelor of Vocational Studies B.Voc. (Multimedia) |
Type of Course | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 12,000 | ₹ 17,000 | ₹ 12,000 | ₹ 14,400 | ₹ 31,000 | ₹ 12,600 | ₹ 18,600 | None |
Course Duration | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years |
Streams | Economics | Education | English | History | Musicology | Philosophy | Political Science | Botany | Chemistry | Geology | Mathematics | Physics | Zoology | English | Political Science | Environmental Science | Geology |
Patkai Christian College, Dimapur
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Patkai Christian College, Dimapur
Patkai Christian College, Dimapur
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Location / Contacts
- Address : Chumukedima - Seithekema, B.P.O. Patkai, Dimapur - 797103, Nagaland, India
- Phone : +916009975373
- Mail : [email protected]
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- Whatsapp: +916009975373
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Bachelor of Arts BABachelor of Commerce B.ComBachelor of Computer Application BCABachelor of MusicBachelor of Science B.ScBachelor of Vocational Studies B.Voc. (Multimedia)BotanyChemistryEconomicsEducationEnglishEnvironmental ScienceGeologyHistoryMaster of Arts M.AMaster of Science M.ScMathematicsMusicologyPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical ScienceZoology
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Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Dey Baidya
One of the best college in Nagand with NAAC grade 3.26. It is the 2nd top ranked in Nagalnd ( Kohima Science college is the 1st). It has huge infrastructure and can boast for academic excellence in both UG, PG and research. The college also give equal importance to develop moral values in students. Most graduate of this college are shining well today in nation or abroad in various field like academics, research, scientists, entrepreneurship, politicians, writers etc., & even many are persuing research degrees in best universities of world.
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