Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar ::[GRIDS]

Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar Gujarat is set up in the year 2009 as Private Educational Institute to give advanced education to manufacture profession in the field of Dental.
Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science is having Affiliation with presumed DCI
The board of Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar is working under dr. Shweta Kumar Swami (Principal).
The BHOLARAM EDUCATION SOCIETY or BES was set up in 2003 by the famous industrialist, Shri Ramesh Goenka.
This start was made to take into account a social and a public need-that of giving quality instruction to the general population.
It is the faith in this way of thinking that set the establishment of the Delhi Public School (a piece of the BES) at Gandhinagar in 2004 which was initiated by fair Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendra Bhai Modi, at that point Chief Minister of Gujarat.
Having taken this jump in the field of schooling, today the BES society has surprisingly, 12 years of fruitful tasks for the sake of DPS Gandhinagar.
Today DPS Gandhinagar gloats of in excess of 3200 understudies who have accomplished significant achievements in the field of schooling.
This schooling society doesn’t just take into account sustaining the scholastic, good and moral components of a youngster’s character, however takes things and edge further by giving to the learner’s, a climate to encounter rivalry.
This sets them up for this present reality outside.
A few honors established by the general public, guarantee that the understudies cultivate a positive point of view towards rivalry and prepare themselves to confront the opposition that anticipates them.
We understand that instruction is a key prerequisite for the total improvement of people.
As a head dental foundation, we try to outfit this inalienable potential through gathering the prospering necessities of dental instruction and CARE
As we develop, we desire, hence proceed with our quest for dental information, however all the while take into account the mission that we have organized remembering the ever-expanding need of understudies and patients on the loose.
Our main goal hence remains as: To give dental training second to none.
Improve and advance practice based learning focused towards vocation position.
Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar GRIDS








Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar GRIDS
Course Name | Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS | Master of Dental Surgery MDS |
Type of Course | Degree | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | Post Graduation |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 295,000 | ₹ 550,000 |
Course Duration | 5 Years | 3 Years |
Streams |
Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar GRIDS

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Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar GRIDS
Goenka Research Institute of Dental Science, Gandhi Nagar GRIDS
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