Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola ::[PDKV]

dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (PDKV), Akola was set up in 1969.
It offers programs committed to agrarian sciences.
The courses offered incorporate B Sc, B Tech, M Sc, M Tech, and Doctoral Degree programs in the resources of Agriculture and Engineering.
Admissions to the courses are led dependent on different passage tests for PG programs, and on legitimacy in past assessments for UG programs. Positions are given the top organizations to meriting understudies.
The school has separate convenience offices for young men and young ladies, each with 41 rooms, obliging 82 understudies.
Extra offices incorporate TV, amusement corridor, separate wreck building, volleyball ground, and so forth The library houses more than 1.
57 lakh books and other understanding materials, notwithstanding 255 diaries of rural, specialized, and united science interest. It additionally houses uncommon interest assortments and uncommon books.
Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola PDKV




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Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola PDKV
Course Name | Bachelor of Technology B.Tech | Certificate Course in Organic Farming COF | Master of Science M.Sc | Master of Technology M.Tech | Ph.D |
Type of Course | Degree | Certification | Degree | Degree | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | 10+2 | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | Doctorate/M.Phil |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 25,120 | ₹ 10,000 | ₹ 19,100 | ₹ 19,100 | ₹ 18,386 |
Course Duration | 4 Years | 6 Months | 2 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years |
Streams | Agricultural Engineering | Biotechnology | Agronomy | Agricultural Entomology | Agricultural Economics | Plant Pathology | Watershed Management | Fruit Science | Seed Science & Technology | Forest Products And Utilization | Animal Husbandry | Agriculture Biotechnology | Genetics And Plant Breeding | Horticulture-Vegetable Science | Silviculture And Agro-Forestry | Horticulture- Fruit Production And Post Harvest Technology | Agricultural Extension Education | Dairy Science | Plant Physiology | Natural Resource Management | Forest Biology & Tree Improvement | Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry | Land Resource Management | Soil Water Conservation Engineering | Agricultural Process And Food Engineering | Irrigation And Drainage Engineering | Renewable Energy | Farm Power & Machinery | Renewable Energy | Agriculture Economics | Animal Husbandry Extension Education | Plant Pathology | Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science | Seed Technology | Irrigation & Water Management Engineering | Floriculture And Landscaping | Fruit Science | Agricultural Entomology | Genetics & Plant Breeding | Plant Physiology | Soil Conservation & Water Management | Soil Science And Agriculture Chemistry | Vegetable Science | Agricultural Processing And Food Engineering | Food Science & Post Harvest Technology | Farm Power And Machinery | Land Resource Management |
Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola PDKV

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL)
Marico Industries Ltd.
Union Bank of India
Ballarpur Industries Limited (BILT)
Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.
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Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola PDKV
Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola PDKV
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Location / Contacts
- Address : P.O. Krishi Nagar, Akola - 444104, Maharashtra, India
- Phone : 7588763787
- Website : http://www.pdkv.ac.in
- Whatsapp: 7588763787
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