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College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi

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School of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi Tamil Nadu is set up in the year 1950 as Public Educational Institute to give advanced education to construct vocation in the field of Teaching.
School of Education, Alagappa University is having Affiliation with presumed NCTE
The executives of College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi is working under mrs. C R Vasantha (Principal).
Alagappa University was brought into reality by a Special Act of the Government of Tamil Nadu in May 1985 with the goal of cultivating examination, advancement and spread of information in different parts of learning.
Alagappa University is perceived by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India.
The University has 44 Departments, 9 Centers and 2 Constituent Colleges on its grounds.
46 Affiliated Colleges situated in the areas of Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram are essential for the University.
Of which one Autonomous College and one Alagappa University Model Constituent College of Arts and Science are situated in Kilakkarai and Paramakudi individually.
The University offers training through Regular, Week-end, Distance and Collaborative modes.
Through all methods of instruction, the University takes into account the requirements of the understudy network of around 1.
12 lakhs.
As an individual from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), just as the individual from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), it has compensating relations with other scholastic organizations, research labs and mechanical foundations that guarantee an astounding future.
The University is having International Collaborations with Universities/Institutions of Higher Learning in nations like U S A, UK, Australia, Singapore, China, Malaysia and South Korea.
Imaginative projects are planned and offered at the University for the unfamiliar understudies.
41 global trade programs draw in the consideration of the educators and understudies from abroad.
Alagappa University was brought into reality by a Special Act of the Government of Tamil Nadu in May 1985 with the target of encouraging examination, improvement and dispersal of information in different parts of learning.
Alagappa University is perceived by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India.
The University has 44 Departments, 9 Centers and 2 Constituent Colleges on its grounds.
46 Affiliated Colleges situated in the regions of Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram are important for the University.
Of which one Autonomous College and one Alagappa University Model Constituent College of Arts and Science are situated in Kilakkarai and Paramakudi separately.
The University offers instruction through Regular, Week-end, Distance and Collaborative modes.
Through all methods of schooling, the University obliges the necessities of the understudy network of around 1.
12 lakhs.
As an individual from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), just as the individual from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), it has compensating relations with other scholarly foundations, research labs and mechanical foundations that guarantee a fabulous future.
The University is having International Collaborations with Universities/Institutions of Higher Learning in nations like U S A, UK, Australia, Singapore, China, Malaysia and South Korea.
Inventive projects are planned and offered at the University for the unfamiliar understudies.
41 worldwide trade programs draw in the consideration of the educators and understudies from abroad.
Alagappa University was brought into reality by a Special Act of the Government of Tamil Nadu in May 1985 with the goal of encouraging examination, advancement and dispersal of information in different parts of learning.
Alagappa University is perceived by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India.
The University has 44 Departments, 9 Centers and 2 Constituent Colleges on its grounds.
46 Affiliated Colleges situated in the regions of Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram are essential for the University.
Of which one Autonomous College and one Alagappa University Model Constituent College of Arts and Science are situated in Kilakkarai and Paramakudi individually.
The University offers instruction through Regular, Week-end, Distance and Collaborative modes.
Through all methods of training, the University obliges the necessities of the understudy network of around 1.
12 lakhs.
As an individual from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), just as the individual from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), it has compensating relations with other scholastic foundations, research labs and mechanical foundations that guarantee a breathtaking future.
The University is having International Collaborations with Universities/Institutions of Higher Learning in nations like U S A, UK, Australia, Singapore, China, Malaysia and South Korea.
Imaginative projects are planned and offered at the University for the unfamiliar understudies.
41 global trade programs pull in the consideration of the instructors and understudies from abroad.

College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi




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College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi

Course NameBachelor of Education B.Ed Master of Education M.Ed Ph.D
Type of CourseDegree Degree Degree
EligibilityPost Graduation Post Graduation Doctorate/M.Phil
Approximate Fees₹ 18,500 ₹ 15,000 None
Course Duration2 Years 2 Years 2 Years
StreamsCommerce | English | History | Tamil | Mathematics | Physics | Chemistry | Botany | Zoology

College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi

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College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi

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College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi

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