College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University – CBSH, Pantnagar
College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University – CBSH, Pantnagar Uttarakhand is established in the year 1960 as Private Educational Institute to provide higher education to build career in the field of Engineering, Science and Degree.
College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University – CBSH is having Affiliation with reputed ICAR .
Management of College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University – CBSH, Pantnagar is working under dr. R S Jadoun (Director).
The College of Basic Sciences and Humanities was established in 1960 along with the inception of the University.
It is a NAAC accredited and ISO 9001:2000 certified institution.
The vision of the college has been to provide substantive orientation in basic and applied sciences by teaching and research in agriculture and allied sciences and technology.
Besides assisting in teaching and research in other faculties, the college runs 12 P G and 9 Ph.
D programs in different disciplines of science.
The college carries the onus of instructional responsibilities in all the academic programs of the university from of 15% to 32% at Undergraduate and 15% to 46% at the Postgraduate level.
Each year the faculty of the college teaches 240 courses at the postgraduate level to about 1500 students and 50 courses to about 6050 students at the UG level.
College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University - CBSH, Pantnagar
College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University - CBSH, Pantnagar
Course Name | Bachelor of Technology B.Tech (Biotechnology) | Master of Science M.Sc | Ph.D |
Type of Course | Degree | Degree | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | Post Graduation | Doctorate/M.Phil |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 51,000 | None | None |
Course Duration | 4 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years |
Streams | Biochemistry | Biophysics | Botany | Chemistry | Environmental Science | Mathematics | Microbiology | Agricultural Statistics | Plant Physiology | Physics | Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | Biochemistry | Botany | Environmental Science | Mathematics | Microbiology | Physics | Agro Chemicals | Plant Physiology | Molecular Biology & Biotechnology |
College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University - CBSH, Pantnagar
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College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University - CBSH, Pantnagar
College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G B Pant University - CBSH, Pantnagar
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Location / Contacts
- Address : Pantnagar, Pantnagar - 263145, Uttarakhand, India
- Phone : 9934832677
- Website :
- Whatsapp: 9934832677
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