Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi ::[CUSAT]

Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi Kerala is set up in the year 1971 as State University Educational Institute to give advanced education to fabricate vocation in the field of Engineering, Management and Humanities.
Cochin University of Science and Technology is having Affiliation with presumed AICTE and UGC
The board of Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi is working under dr. Poulose Jacob (Vice Chancellor).
The University’s fundamental way of thinking and objectives find articulate articulation in its Coat of Arms embellishing the proverb Tejaswinavadhitamastu which generally signifies may the shrewdness gathered revere us both the instructor and the educated and permeate to the Universe in its entirety which basically signifies may learning brighten us both (the educator and the instructed).
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi CUSAT



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Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi CUSAT
Course Name | Bachelor of Technology B.Tech | Bachelor of Science B.Sc + Master of Science M.Sc | Master of Science M.Sc | Master of Business Administration MBA | Bachelor of Vocational Studies B.Voc. | Master of Computer Applications M.C.A | Ph.D | Bachelor of Commerce + Bachelor of Laws L.L.B. | Bachelor of Business Administration + Bachelor of Laws BBALLB | M.F.Sc. (Seafood Safety and Trade) | Bachelor of Law L.L.B | Master of Laws L.L.M | Master of Philosophy M.Phil | Master of Vocational Studies M.Voc. | Master of Arts M.A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type of Course | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eligibility | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Doctorate/M.Phil | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Doctorate/M.Phil | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Approximate Fees | ₹ 46,600 | ₹ 21,440 | ₹ 6,415 | ₹ 32,810 | None | ₹ 33,530 | ₹ 8,525 | ₹ 26,815 | ₹ 26,815 | ₹ 16,815 | ₹ 64,815 | ₹ 7,555 | ₹ 8,255 | ₹ 21,240 | ₹ 6,405 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course Duration | 4 Years | 5 Years | 2 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 5 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 1 Year | 1 Year | 2 Years | 2 Years | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Streams | School of Engineering -SOE Thrikkakara | Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering - KMSME | Cochin University College of Engineering Kuttanad - CUCEK | Computer Science And Engineering | Safety And Fire Engineering | Electrical And Electronics Engineering | Marine Engineering | Naval Architecture And Ship Building | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Information Technology | Mechanical Engineering | Instrumentation Engineering | Civil Engineering | Polymer Engineering | Offered by Cochin University of Science and Technology | International School of Photonics Thrikkakara - ISP | Physics | Chemistry | Photonics | Mathematics | Statistics | Cochin University of Science and Technology | School of Environmental Studies - SES | Cochin University of Science and Technology | Microbiology | Biotechnology | Chemistry | Statistics | Computer Science | Physics | Marine Geology | Mathematics | Meteorology | Oceanography | Marine Biology | Industrial Fisheries | Environmental Biotechnology | Electronic Science | Marine Geophysics | Marine Chemistry | Hydrochemistry | Instrumentation Technology | Data Science | School of Management Studies - SMS | Finance | Travel & Tourism | Human Resource Management | International Business | General | Production And Operations Management Systems | Information Technology | Marketing | Business Process Management & Analytics | Cost Sharing | Offered by School of Industrial Fisheries - SIF | Cochin University of Science and Technology | Cochin University of Science and Technology | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Cochin University of Science and Technology | School of Engineering -SOE Thrikkakara | Cochin University of Science and Technology | School of Management Studies - SMS | School of Environmental Studies - SES | Cochin University of Science and Technology | Cochin University of Science and Technology | International School of Photonics Thrikkakara - ISP | Computer Science | Management Studies | Biotechnology | Industrial Fisheries | Mathematics | Computer Applications | It & System | Physical Oceanography | Physics | Engineering | Cryptography | Mobile Computing And Networking Applications | Electronics Engineering | Artificial Intelligence | Distributed Computing | Image Processing | Computer Networks | Marine Geology | Applied Chemistry | Modelling And Simulation | Photonics And Biophotonics | Language Computing | Natural Language Processing | Statistics | Hindi | Fluid Mechanics | Graph Theory | Polymer Science & Technology | Multimedia Technology | Data-Mining | Analytical & Applied Economics | Environmental Technology | Offered by School of Industrial Fisheries - SIF | Cochin University of Science and Technology | Offered by Cochin University of Science and Technology | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Offered by Cochin University of Science and Technology | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Criminal Law | Constitutional Law | Offered by School of Industrial Fisheries - SIF | Cochin University of Science and Technology | Cochin University of Science and Technology | School of Management Studies - SMS | Commerce | Life Science Zoology/Botany | Physics | Mathematics | Chemistry | Analytical & Applied Economics | Hindi | Marine Chemistry | Applied Economics | Hindi |
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi CUSAT

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Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi CUSAT
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi CUSAT
Ranked 116 for B.Tech byNIRF 2019
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Location / Contacts
- Address : Cochin University P. O, Kochi - 682022, Kerala, India
- Phone : 91(484)2862281
- Website :
- Whatsapp: 91(484)2862281
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Browse Courses
- Bachelor of Business Administration + Bachelor of Laws BBALLB
- Bachelor of Commerce + Bachelor of Laws L.L.B.
- Bachelor of Law L.L.B
- Bachelor of Science B.Sc + Master of Science M.Sc
- Bachelor of Technology B.Tech
- Bachelor of Vocational Studies B.Voc
- M.F.Sc. (Seafood Safety and Trade)
- Master of Arts M.A
- Master of Business Administration MBA
- Master of Computer Applications M.C.A
- Master of Laws L.L.M
- Master of Philosophy M.Phil
- Master of Science M.Sc
- Master of Vocational Studies M.Voc.
- Ph.D
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