CMS College, Kottayam

CMS College, Kottayam Kerala is set up in the year 1817 as Private Educational Institute to give advanced education to construct vocation in the field of Humanities, Science and Computer Applications.
CMS College is having Affiliation with presumed NAAC-A.
The executives of CMS College, Kottayam is working under dr. Roy Sam Daniel (Principal).
CMS College, Kottayam

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CMS College, Kottayam
Course Name | Bachelor of Science B.Sc | Bachelor of Commerce B.Com | Master of Science M.Sc | Bachelor of Computer Application BCA | Bachelor of Arts BA | Master of Arts M.A | Ph.D | Certification | Master of Commerce M.Com (Finance) |
Type of Course | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Certification | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Doctorate/M.Phil | 10+2 | Post Graduation |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 7,058 | ₹ 34,340 | ₹ 9,723 | ₹ 54,040 | ₹ 6,008 | ₹ 8,023 | None | None | ₹ 8,023 |
Course Duration | 3 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 1 Year | 2 Years |
Streams | Biotechnology | Family And Community Science | Mathematics | Chemistry | Botany | Physics | Zoology | General | Taxation And Finance | Biotechnology | Food Service Management And Dietetics | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry | Mathematics | Botany | Zoology | Physics | Applied Chemistry | Electronics | Entomology | Applied Physics | English Language And English Literature | Economics | History | Communicative English | Malayalam | English Language And Literature | History | Sociology | Malayalam | Commerce | Mathematics | Botany | English | Chemistry | Zoology | Sociology | Physics | Malayalam | Fashion Design | Graphics | Computerised Accounting | Web Designing |
CMS College, Kottayam

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CMS College, Kottayam
CMS College, Kottayam
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Analytical ChemistryApplied ChemistryApplied PhysicsBachelor of Arts BABachelor of Commerce B.ComBachelor of Computer Application BCABachelor of Science B.ScBiotechnologyBotanyCertificationChemistryCommerceCommunicative EnglishComputerised AccountingEconomicsElectronicsEnglishEnglish Language And English LiteratureEnglish Language And LiteratureEntomologyFamily And Community ScienceFashion DesignFood Service Management and DieteticsGeneralGraphicsHistoryMalayalamMaster of Arts M.AMaster of Commerce M.Com (Finance)Master of Science M.ScMathematicsPh.DPhysicsSociologyTaxation And FinanceWeb DesigningZoology
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