CMR University, Bangalore ::[CMRU]
CMR University, Bangalore Karnataka is set up in the year 2013 as Private University Educational Institute to give advanced education to fabricate vocation in the field of Engineering, Management and Humanities.
CMR University is having Affiliation with presumed UGC
The board of CMR University, Bangalore is working under dr. Sabitha Ramamurthy (Chancellor).
CMR University (CMRU) is a private college in the territory of Karnataka, set up and represented by the CMR University Act-2013.
CMR University expects to advance and attempt the headway of college training over a plenty of controls designing, the board, engineering, law and other associated areas of higher and expert instruction.
The University additionally intends to furnish understudies with the necessary aptitudes and information to seek after a fruitful profession in their picked field of study.
CMR University, Bangalore CMRU
CMR University, Bangalore CMRU
Course Name | Bachelor of Business Administration BBA | Bachelor of Technology B.Tech | Master of Business Administration MBA | Bachelor of Science B.Sc | Master of Science M.Sc | Bachelor of Computer Application BCA | Ph.D | Master of Technology M.Tech | Bachelor of Arts BA | Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch | Master of Laws L.L.M | Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA | Bachelor of Commerce + Bachelor of Laws L.L.B. | Bachelor of Commerce B.Com | Master of Commerce M.Com | Post Graduate Diploma | Certification | Master of Arts M.A | Master of Social Work MSW | Diploma Bachelor of Business Administration BBA | Bachelor of Technology B.Tech | Master of Business Administration MBA | Bachelor of Science B.Sc | Master of Science M.Sc | Bachelor of Computer Application BCA | Ph.D | Master of Technology M.Tech | Bachelor of Arts BA | Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch | Master of Laws L.L.M | Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA | Bachelor of Commerce + Bachelor of Laws L.L.B. | Bachelor of Commerce B.Com | Master of Commerce M.Com | Post Graduate Diploma | Certification | Master of Arts M.A | Master of Social Work MSW | Diploma | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type of Course | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Diploma | Certification | Degree | Degree | Diploma Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Diploma | Certification | Degree | Degree | Diploma | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eligibility | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Doctorate/M.Phil | Post Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | 10+2 | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | 10+2 Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Doctorate/M.Phil | Post Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | 10+2 | Post Graduation | Post Graduation | 10+2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Approximate Fees | ₹ 91,000 | ₹ 200,000 | ₹ 450,000 | ₹ 210,000 | ₹ 125,000 | ₹ 160,000 | None | ₹ 100,000 | ₹ 75,000 | ₹ 450,000 | ₹ 115,000 | None | ₹ 130,000 | ₹ 86,000 | ₹ 72,000 | ₹ 25,000 | None | ₹ 50,000 | ₹ 70,000 | None₹ 91,000 | ₹ 200,000 | ₹ 450,000 | ₹ 210,000 | ₹ 125,000 | ₹ 160,000 | None | ₹ 100,000 | ₹ 75,000 | ₹ 450,000 | ₹ 115,000 | None | ₹ 130,000 | ₹ 86,000 | ₹ 72,000 | ₹ 25,000 | None | ₹ 50,000 | ₹ 70,000 | None | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course Duration | 3 Years | 4 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 1 Year | 1 Year 6 Months | 5 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 1 Year | 1 Year | 2 Years | 2 Years | 1 Year 3 Years | 4 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 3 Years | 5 Years | 1 Year | 1 Year 6 Months | 5 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 1 Year | 1 Year | 2 Years | 2 Years | 1 Year | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Streams | Offered by CMR University | School of Management - SOM | School of Engineering and Technology - SOET | Computer Science And Engineering | Information Technology | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Civil Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Electronics & Computer Engineering | Computer And Communication Engineering | School of Management - SOM | Finance | Human Resource Management | Marketing | Business Analytics | Information Technology | Tourism Management | Digital Marketing | Offered by School of Science Studies | CMR University - SSS | Animation And Visual Effects | Sound Engineering | Photography | Film Making | Game Art and Design | Offered by School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Clinical Psychology | Human Resource Development Psychology | Electronic Media | Offered by School of Science Studies | CMR University - SSS | Game & Mobile Software Development | Offered by CMR University | School of Management - SOM | CMR University | School of Engineering and Technology - SOET | School of Research and Innovation | CMR University | CMR University | School of Legal Studies - SLS | School of Architecture | CMR University - SOA | School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Management | Education | Commerce | Humanities And Social Science | Architecture | Computer Science And Engineering | Mathematics | Physics | Law | Economics | Chemistry | Computer Applications | Offered by CMR University | School of Engineering and Technology - SOET | Artificial Intelligence | Data Science | Information Security And Cyber Forensics | Cad/ Cam | Intelligent System | Offered by School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Psychology | Public Administration | English | History | Journalism | Economics | Political Science | Sociology | CMR University - SOA | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Constitutional Law | Commercial Law | Offered by CMR University | School of Management - SOM | Offered by CMR University | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Offered by School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | Offered by School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | Offered by CMR University | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Air And Space Law | Intellectual Property Rights Law | Rehabilitation Psychology | Education | Psychometry | Offered by School of Architecture | CMR University - SOA | School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | Interior Design | Counselling Psychology | Project Management | Business Analytics | International Business | French | German | Spanish | English | Korean Language | Additive & Subtractive Manufacturing | Mandarin | Architectural Draftsmanship | Offered by School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Education | Journalism & Mass Communication | English Literature | Economics | Offered by School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | French | English | Japanese | Spanish | German | Korean Language | Mandarin | Offered by CMR University | School of Management - SOM | School of Engineering and Technology - SOET | Computer Science And Engineering | Information Technology | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Civil Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Electronics & Computer Engineering | Computer And Communication Engineering | School of Management - SOM | Finance | Human Resource Management | Marketing | Business Analytics | Information Technology | Tourism Management | Digital Marketing | Offered by School of Science Studies | CMR University - SSS | Animation And Visual Effects | Sound Engineering | Photography | Film Making | Game Art and Design | Offered by School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Clinical Psychology | Human Resource Development Psychology | Electronic Media | Offered by School of Science Studies | CMR University - SSS | Game & Mobile Software Development | Offered by CMR University | School of Management - SOM | CMR University | School of Engineering and Technology - SOET | School of Research and Innovation | CMR University | CMR University | School of Legal Studies - SLS | School of Architecture | CMR University - SOA | School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Management | Education | Commerce | Humanities And Social Science | Architecture | Computer Science And Engineering | Mathematics | Physics | Law | Economics | Chemistry | Computer Applications | Offered by CMR University | School of Engineering and Technology - SOET | Artificial Intelligence | Data Science | Information Security And Cyber Forensics | Cad/ Cam | Intelligent System | Offered by School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Psychology | Public Administration | English | History | Journalism | Economics | Political Science | Sociology | CMR University - SOA | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Constitutional Law | Commercial Law | Offered by CMR University | School of Management - SOM | Offered by CMR University | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Offered by School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | Offered by School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | Offered by CMR University | School of Legal Studies - SLS | Air And Space Law | Intellectual Property Rights Law | Rehabilitation Psychology | Education | Psychometry | Offered by School of Architecture | CMR University - SOA | School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | Interior Design | Counselling Psychology | Project Management | Business Analytics | International Business | French | German | Spanish | English | Korean Language | Additive & Subtractive Manufacturing | Mandarin | Architectural Draftsmanship | Offered by School of Economics & Commerce | CMR University - SOEC | School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | Education | Journalism & Mass Communication | English Literature | Economics | Offered by School of Social Science and Humanities | CMR University - SOSSH | French | English | Japanese | Spanish | German | Korean Language | Mandarin |
CMR University, Bangalore CMRU
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CMR University, Bangalore CMRU
CMR University, Bangalore CMRU
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- Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch
- Bachelor of Arts BA
- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA
- Bachelor of Commerce + Bachelor of Laws L.L.B.
- Bachelor of Commerce B.Com
- Bachelor of Computer Application BCA
- Bachelor of Science B.Sc
- Bachelor of Technology B.Tech
- Certification
- Diploma
- Diploma Bachelor of Business Administration BBA
- Executive Master of Business Administration EMBA
- Master of Arts M.A
- Master of Business Administration MBA
- Master of Commerce M.Com
- Master of Laws L.L.M
- Master of Science M.Sc
- Master of Social Work MSW
- Master of Technology M.Tech
- Ph.D
- Post Graduate Diploma
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