CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa
CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa Haryana is set up in the year 1970 as Private Educational Institute to give advanced education to construct profession in the field of Humanities, Science and Computer Applications.
CMK National Post Graduate Girls College is having Affiliation with rumored NAAC
The board of CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa is working under dr. Vijaya Tomar (Principal).
Education targets giving information, agreeable improvement of the character just as making a mindfulness, which should make him/her a capable resident of the nation and valuable citizen.
Investigating quite a desperate need of ladies instruction, this school was set up by SES in 1970.
Chandan Mal Karnani National Post Graduate College for, Sirsa which is prevalently called as C M K National PG Girls College, is an extremely lofty organization of higher learning for ladies which was set up in 1970 out of an exceptionally little structure with in a pitiful quality of only 200 understudies.
It was begun with the enormous commitment of Seth Suraj Kumar Karnani for the sake of his late respected dad Sh Chandan Mal Karnani.
During its long of 39 years, it has accomplished numerous achievements of progress and demonstrated exceptionally valuable for the understudies from the provincial foundation additionally and they feel colossally sure by achieving instruction in quite a presumed school like our own.
As of now we have 1211 understudies on our move who are setting instruction in different streams as per their inclination and taste.
CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa
CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa
Course Name | Bachelor of Arts BA | Bachelor of Science B.Sc | Bachelor of Business Administration BBA | Bachelor of Commerce B.Com | Bachelor of Computer Application BCA | Bachelor of Mass Communication B.M.C. | Master of Arts M.A | Master of Commerce M.Com |
Type of Course | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Graduation | Post Graduation | Post Graduation |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 15,752 | ₹ 12,000 | ₹ 12,000 | ₹ 11,000 | ₹ 12,000 | ₹ 11,000 | ₹ 11,000 | ₹ 12,000 |
Course Duration | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 3 Years | 2 Years | 2 Years |
Streams | Computer Science | Economics | English | Functional English | Geography | Hindi | History | Home Science | Mathematics | Physical Education | Politics | Psychology | Public Administration | Punjabi | Sanskrit | Music | Environmental Science | Medical | Biotechnology | Computer Science | Non-Medical | Economics | English | Hindi | Political Science | Punjabi |
CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa
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CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa
CMK National Post Graduate Girls College, Sirsa
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Location / Contacts
- Address : B-Block, Near Durga Mandir, Sirsa - 125055, Haryana, India
- Phone : 240091
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- Whatsapp: 240091
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