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Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College, Allahabad ::[CMP College]


Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh is set up in the year 1950 as Public Educational Institute to give advanced education to manufacture vocation in the field of Humanities, Science and Commerce.
Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College is having Affiliation with rumored NAAC
The board of Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College, Allahabad is working under dr. Santosh Kumar Agrawal (Principal).
,The school is under the administration of Kayastha Pathshala which is Asia’s greatest trust. The school began with B Sc.
course in 1950 in the structure of K P Transitional College.
The school was moved to its current area at Mahatma Gandhi Marg, George Town, Allahabad in 1953 in the Agra Jamindar Association’s Building.
In 1955, Faculty of Arts was begun in the school.
The main Prime Minister pt. Jawaharlal Nehru initiated the school inn in 1957 known as Sampoornand Hostel.
Staff of law was begun in the year 1972 that moved to another grounds on Kamla Nehru Marg in 1990.
The business workforce was begun in the year 1976.
There is likewise a different young ladies wing at Kamla Nehru Road.
The school is a co-instructive organization and it has been related to the University of Allahabadsince its foundation and it got Constituent of the University of Allahabad in 2005 when the focal status of the college was reestablished. The Institute of Professional Studies of University of Allahabad has allowed one year Diploma in Computer Application (NIELIT ‘O’ Level) and Diploma in Fashion Designing from the meeting 2009-10.
The year 2015-16 has get new achievement the historical backdrop of the school, when the University of Allahabad under direction of Prof.Rattan Lal Hangloo, Vice-Chancellor chose to begin Post Graduate Courses in its every single constituent school.
After legal freedom, the college has permitted post-graduation from meeting 2016-17 in M Com; LLM; M Sc.
in Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics; M A in Ancient History, Med. History, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, Philosophy, Political Science, Sanskrit and Sociology.
The school has additionally got authorization to begin long term degree course Bechelor of Computer Application (BCA), one year Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA) andCertificate in Computer Concepts (CCC from NIELIT) from the meeting 2016-17.
One new UG course in Defense Studies and one year confirmation course in Theater were additionally begun from the meeting 2017-18 The school solidly accepts that instruction is fundamental for individual edification and political opportunity.
Consequently, the mission of the school is to give quality instruction to improve all-round scholarly, physical, good and otherworldly advancement of understudies.
It advances responsibility among understudy for social upliftment and human qualities.
The school gives under-graduate instruction in the surge of Arts, Commerce, Science and Law.

Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College, Allahabad CMP College



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Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College, Allahabad CMP College

Course NameMaster of Laws L.L.M Master of Science M.Sc Master of Commerce M.Com Master of Arts M.A Bachelor of Arts BA Bachelor of Commerce B.Com Bachelor of Science B.Sc Bachelor of Law L.L.B
Type of CourseDegree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree
EligibilityPost Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation
Approximate FeesNone None None None ₹ 1,320 ₹ 1,320 ₹ 1,920 ₹ 1,914
Course Duration2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years
Streams Zoology | Mathematics | Botany | Physics | Chemistry Sociology | Political Science | Economics | English | Geography | Mathematics | Music | Philosophy | Education | Hindi | Ancient History | Psychology | Sanskrit | Urdu | Medieval History Economics | Medieval and Modern History | Political Science | Sociology | Hindi | Music Vocal | English Literature | Philosophy | Education | Geography | Ancient History | Psychology | Instrumental Music | Sanskrit | Urdu Biology | Mathematics

Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College, Allahabad CMP College

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Chowdhary Mahadev Prasad Degree College, Allahabad CMP College

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