Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha’s Dental College, Aurangabad

Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha’s Dental College, Aurangabad Maharashtra is established in the year 1991 as Private Educational Institute to provide higher education to build career in the field of Dental.
Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha’s Dental College is having Affiliation with reputed DCI
C S M S S Dental College and Hospital, Aurangabad was established in 1991 to fulfill aspirations of students to obtain Professional Education” affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (M.
U H S ), Nashik.
The college has been recognized by the Dental Council of India / Central Government over the years.
This College has earned recognition and reputation at the State and National level.
Currently, undergraduate and postgraduate courses in 6 departments are conducted by this college and is housed in a twin building of 1, 26,721.
56 sq.
The college is located within city limits of Aurangabad in an open pollution free, secure, safe and peaceful locality and is just 3kms from Aurangabad railway station and 15 km from the airport.
Aurangabad is a historical and a rich cultural center located 400 Kms. east of Mumbai and is very well connected by road, rail and air.
The world heritage sites of Ajanta and Ellora are located around Aurangabad.
Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Dental College, Aurangabad
Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Dental College, Aurangabad
Course Name | Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS | Master of Dental Surgery MDS |
Type of Course | Degree | Degree |
Eligibility | Graduation | Post Graduation |
Approximate Fees | ₹ 300,000 | ₹ 398,000 |
Course Duration | 5 Years | 3 Years |
Streams | Conservative Dentistry | Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery | Oral Medicine And Radiology | Orthodontics | Periodontics | Prosthodontics |
Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Dental College, Aurangabad

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Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Dental College, Aurangabad
Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Shikshan Sanstha's Dental College, Aurangabad
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