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Care College of Pharmacy, Warangal


are College of Pharmacy Recent Admission Alerts and Updates 12 November, 2020: TS EAMCET 2020 Final Round Result Out Know more 11 November, 2020: TS PGECET 2020 Counseling began Know more CARECollege of Pharmacy, Warangal is the school spreading quality and worth added training in the district and setting up its understudies for the serious world.
The understudies of this school are top notch and the instruction furnished is at standard with the worldwide norms. The point of the school is to turn into a standard foundation which can give differed drug store programs under one rooftop.
It gives an expert learning climate and endeavors to manufacture a scholarly potential with between disciplinary information, proficient morals and human qualities among the young people of this nation who seek to become drug specialists, so they can add to the government assistance of this general public.
The school utilizes current showing helps in study halls for better comprehension of understudies.
It is situated in a tranquil and quiet territory.
Results in serious tests: The understudies of this school are solid and steady for tests like NIPER and GPAT.
The understudies are giving brilliant and steady execution in NIPER and GPAT tests since 2009.
In 2011, the school gave the best outcome in NIPER by giving the most noteworthy number of positions and seats by any school in India.
ยท Exposure through National Workshops and Sessions: The College arranges workshops for understudies.
Public workshop on Bioanalytical strategies and philosophies was directed in relationship with Indian Pharmacy Graduates Association (IPGA).

Care College of Pharmacy, Warangal




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Care College of Pharmacy, Warangal

Course NameBachelor of Pharmacy B.Pharma Master of Pharmacy M.Pharm Pharm.D
Type of CourseDegree Degree Degree
EligibilityGraduation Post Graduation Doctorate/M.Phil
Approximate Feesโ‚น 45,000 โ‚น 110,000 โ‚น 68,000
Course Duration4 Years 2 Years 6 Years
Streams Pharmaceutical Analysis | Pharmaceutics

Care College of Pharmacy, Warangal

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Care College of Pharmacy, Warangal

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Care College of Pharmacy, Warangal

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