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AP Goyal Shimla University, Shimla


AP Goyal Shimla University, Shimla Himachal Pradesh is set up in the year 2012 as Private University Educational Institute to give advanced education to manufacture profession in the field of Engineering, Management and Science.
AP Goyal Shimla University is having Affiliation with presumed BCI, UGC and AIU .
The board of AP Goyal Shimla University, Shimla is working under dr. Rajat Mathur (Chancellor).
,Alakh Prakash Goyal or AP Goyal Shimla University, Himachal Pradesh, set up in the year 2012 as private University instructive foundation.
It expected to give advanced education and assemble understudy’s vocation in the fields of Engineering, Humanities and Management.
The presumed BCI, UGC and AIU offshoot the University.
The administration of AP Goyal Shimla University works under mrs. Kusumlata Goyal who is as of now filling in as Chancellor.
,AP Goyal isn’t for benefit yet magnanimous association.
It tries to convey top of the line instruction and make assets that guide learning for a wide range of masses.
The University was a fantasy of Shri Rajesh Goyal, a fruitful industrialist and social lobbyist. He manufactured the AP Goyal Charitable Trust that attempts a scope of social and government assistance exercises in the fields of wellbeing, training and government assistance sectors.
,Shimla is one of the main towns among most famous slope stations in India.
The University got endorsement by Himachal Pradesh Higher Education Department, University Grants Commission (UGC), Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Regulatory Commission, Council of Architecture and Bar Council of India (BCI).
,It has not been since a long time ago the foundation of the University, the India Today positioning has been a much-merited prize for the University.
It was the aftereffect of the work which the University specialists did through night and day to make a spot in the sun.
,The University holds the honor of getting an honor of ˜the Best University in the slopes 2013-14′ by ASSOCHAM, granted by KPMG as the quickest developing University of India.
The advertiser of the University speaks to the world class like the previous overseers of IITs and National Law University other than corporate specialists.
The AP Goyal Shimla University can possibly form into an Ivy League status that the Harvard and Princeton University enjoys.
,The educational program offset hypothesis with functional and intelligent study halls with introductions and contextual investigations create appealing and effective learning experience.
,The AP Goyal Shimla University has eight aspects.
They are as under:,Xinyu University, China, UCAM (Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia), Spain, Whitireia New Zealand Institute of Technology and Szent Istvan University (Szie), Hungary speaks to a portion of the global affiliations.
College of Lodz, Poland, and China Agricultural University are some more associations.
The University deals with the availability on the web and trade data and examination discoveries, industry foundation and personnel joint efforts, guarantee that understudies and staff arrive at a significant level of competency.
,The University accepts that Education is an immense sea that is taken CAREof by numerous streams and feeders.
The development of a uniquely outstanding grounds in Shimla houses an Institution.

AP Goyal Shimla University, Shimla




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AP Goyal Shimla University, Shimla

Course NameBachelor of Technology B.Tech Master of Business Administration MBA Bachelor of Science B.Sc Bachelor of Design B.Des Bachelor of Business Administration BBA Bachelor of Computer Application BCA Bachelor of Hotel Management BHM Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication BJMC Bachelor of Arts + Bachelor of Laws B.A.L.L.B. Bachelor of Law L.L.B Master of Technology M.Tech Master of Hotel Management MHM Master of Laws L.L.M Master of Computer Applications M.C.A Master of Journalism and Mass Communication MJMC Ph.D Diploma Certificate Course in English Communication
Type of CourseDegree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Diploma Certification
EligibilityGraduation Post Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation Post Graduation Doctorate/M.Phil 10+2 10+2
Approximate Fees₹ 150,000 ₹ 150,000 ₹ 70,000 ₹ 80,000 ₹ 92,000 ₹ 70,000 ₹ 90,000 ₹ 120,000 ₹ 75,000 ₹ 100,000 ₹ 100,000 ₹ 120,000 ₹ 80,000 ₹ 100,000 ₹ 80,000 ₹ 75,000 ₹ 80,000 ₹ 70,000 ₹ 20,000
Course Duration4 Years 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 3 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years 3 Years 5 Years 3 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 3 Years 2 Years 3 Years 1 Year 6 Months 6 Months
StreamsCivil Engineering | Computer Science And Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Cloud Technology & Information Security | Internet of Things | Data Sciences | Artificial Intelligence Industry Integrated | International Business | Marketing | Finance | Information Technology | Human Resource Management Biotechnology | Forensic Sciences | Fashion Design | Cyber Security Communication Design | Product Design | Space Design General | Business Analytics Information Security and Cloud Technology Civil Engineering | Computer Science And Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Management Studies | Chemistry | Physics | Law | Journalism And Mass Communication Yoga | Drama | Front Office | House Keeping Management

AP Goyal Shimla University, Shimla

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AP Goyal Shimla University, Shimla

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